Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beware of the hi noon friend!!!!

I have made great friends here in North Carolina. Friends that I know I can count on to always tell me the truth, and to be here, there, anywhere whenever I need them, and I LOVE them with all my heart and soul.

Sid, Me, Fee, Lexi and Trice

However, this entry is about those friends I have dubbed "hi noon friends".

A "hi noon friend" meets you in the a.m., and expects you to be their best friend by noon. They want you to tell them your life story, so they can then judge you and talk behind your back with other "hi noon friends". They hide behind "southern charm" phrases like: "We are just friendly in the south.", or my favorite "We like to get to know people, and welcome them with open arms down here." Now don't get me wrong, southerners are very nice, welcoming and friendly, and MANY are tried and true, but quite a few are sneaky and mean spirited snakes with sweet smiles and southern drawls. Beware, because they are slethering everywhere down here.

I am not saying that the north doesn't have these same types of people, but they aren't out in the open as often as here in the south. My classmate, and fellow yankee, Lenaa Battle recently gave me her opinion on the matter,"I don't know if it's just a southern thing, but where we are from, we practice the 'bitches/snitches get stitches' policy. So, people that are known to run their mouths have gotten the hint before leaving grade school. They know that if they are found to be a fake broad, they learn to stay to themselves. Northerners don't tend to jump into these fly by night  friendships. We like to take our time getting to know people because they can be crazy."

That brings me back to the BFF's by noon. I for one can not bring myself to spill my life story to someone that I just meet. It may be a cultural thing, or it could just be my upbringing, but something just seems so wrong with people that ask too many questions at first meeting. I don't trust them [period]. I need time to get to know you through multiple interactions and casual conversations. Yeah, it may just take a few months before I consider you to be a friend, but I believe that "anything done too fast, doesn't last too long".

So, my advise is to beware of the "hi noon friend". Take your time to truly get to know people, and you will eventually find out who your friends are.

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