Saturday, January 21, 2012

Awww...Bless your heart sug

Ok, so being that this is my very first blog post, I want to write about my favorite thing about the south.

Southern Charm

In the south people write thank you notes and say "hey or hello" as you pass by them. They will wait until the light has turned green, for more than five seconds, before they toot (not lean on) their horns. And they would rather bless your heart, than make you feel hurt or unwelcomed. 

Let me just say that the whole "Bless your heart" saying was lost on me when I first heard it. It took a few of my friends to explain why someone would say bless your heart, rather than tell you their true feelings.

As Alexius Farris explained, “In the south, people are taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say, you don’t say anything at all. However, saying bless your heart is a nice way to say, 'That’s stupid/silly, ugly or I feel so sorry for you.'”

I then had to explain to her that in the north we feel very differently. Where I grew up, if a person doesn’t tell you how they truly feel, than people tend to see them as untrustworthy.

Yet, after all was said, I can accept that our world could be a more civilized place to live if everyone blessed each other’s hearts every now and again, versus not taking someone else’s feelings to heart.

And I don’t know anyone that puts it better than Miranda Lambert:

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